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2.9 'I like that' and 'I don't like that' in Spanish

Countries and nationalities in spanish IT’S EITHER GOOD OR BAD - IN SPANISH Es bueno  – It’s good Es muy bueno...

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2.9 'I like that' and 'I don't like that' in Spanish

Countries and nationalities in spanish IT’S EITHER GOOD OR BAD - IN SPANISH Es bueno  – It’s good Es muy bueno...

2.8- Countries and nationalities in spanish

Countries and nationalities in spanish spaña Spain español/a Spaniard Canadá Canada canadiense Canadian ...

2.7 Tellling Time in Spanish

Síguenos en Nuestras Redes Sociales Here is how you ask what time it is in Spanish: ¿Qué hora es?/¿Qué horas son...

2.6 - Colores Simplified Example: Englissh / Spanish

Agreement, Colors Since colors are adjectives (they describe what the noun is like), they must agree in number and gender with the nou...

2.5 Colors in Spanish

We have a  NEW   Facebook Page !!!  Don't forget to 'Like' us to learn new spanish words and expressions! Also,...

2.4 Numbers in Spanish

We have a  NEW   Facebook Page !!!  Don't forget to 'Like' us to learn new spanish words and expressions! Also, r...

2.3 - Identify basic objects.

Gender Agreement In Spanish, every noun has a gender, which is either masculine or feminine. The article 'la' indicates femi...