2.6 - Colores Simplified Example: Englissh / Spanish

Agreement, Colors
Since colors are adjectives (they describe what the noun is like), they must agree in number and gender with the nouns to which they are attached. Colors that end in vowels will end in 'a' to agree with feminine nouns or 'o' to agree with masculine nouns. If a color ends in a consonant, such as 'azul', it doesn't change. To pluralize a color that ends in a vowel, simply add an 's'. If the color ends in a consonant, add 'es'. For example:
el gato negrothe black cat
los gatos negros.the black cats
la pared azulthe blue wall
las paredes azulesthe blue walls
Double Colors
Agreement with the noun is slightly different when the name of the color includes two adjectives instead of just one, as in 'azul claro' (light blue). The second adjective, in this case, 'claro', is the one that must agree with the noun. The first adjective, blue, does not change. For example:

amarillo (adj)yellow
anaranjado (adj)orange
arco iris (m)rainbow
azul (adj)blue
blanco (adj)white
claro (adj)light (as in light blue)
colorado (adj)red
dorado (adj)golden
durazno (adj)peach-colored
gris (adj)grey

marrón (adj)brown
morado (adj)purple
negro (adj)black
oscuro (adj)dark
plateado (adj)silver
rojo (adj)red
rosado (adj)pink
verde (adj)green
violeta (adj)violet

Simplified Example: Spanish
Vamos a hablar de los colores. Por ejemplo, el cielo es azul. El pasto es verde. Esta rosa es roja. Las nubes son blancas. La tierra es de color café.

Let's talk about colors. For example, the sky is blue. The grass is green. This rose is red. The clouds are white. The ground is brown in color

Watch the following video and create an equal or similar one about the colors that you have around you, send us your video to the next mail (spanishmovilapp.homework@blogger.com )It will appear in our app in the DIARY module.


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