2.3 - Identify basic objects.

Gender Agreement
In Spanish, every noun has a gender, which is either masculine or feminine. The article 'la' indicates feminine gender and the article 'el' indicates masculine gender. The gender of a noun cannot always be predicted by looking at the noun, but, typically, nouns ending in 'o' are masculine and those ending in 'a' are feminine. For example:
La plumaThe pen (feminine)
El cuadernoThe notebook

Number Agreement
The number of any noun in Spanish is either singular or plural. The plural form depends on the last letter of the noun. If a noun ends in a vowel, add an 's' to the end of it. If it ends in a consonant, add 'es'. Articles also have plural forms. The plural form of 'la' is 'las', and the plural form of 'el' is 'los'. For example:
La escuelaThe school (singular)
Las escuelasThe schools (plural)
El árbolThe tree (singular)
Los árbolesThe trees (plural)

anotaciones (f) notes
calendario (m) calendar
cartera (f) wallet
cepillo (m) brush
cuaderno (m) notebook
dinero (m) money
escritorio (m) desk
grapadora (f) stapler
lámpara (f) lamp
lápiz (m) pencil
libro (m) book
llave (f) key
mochila (f) backpack
papel (m) paper
paraguas (m) umbrella
periódico (m) newspaper
pluma (f) pen
reloj (m) watch
silla (f) chair
tarjeta de identificación (f) ID card
teléfono móbil, portátil, celular (m) mobil, portable, cell phone
tijeras (f) scissors
tiza (f) chalk
Tengo dos lápices y una pluma en mi mochila. I have two pencils and a pen in my backpack.
¿Cuántas sillas hay en este salón de clase? How many chairs are there in this classroom?
Ella no tiene su libro de texto hoy. She doesn't have her textbook today
Me gusta tu teléfono celular. I like your cellphone.
Los profesores tienen que comprar la tiza. The professors have to buy the chalk

Exercise for this lesson Look at the following video and create a similar one talking about the basic objects you prefer. Send us your video to the following E-mail: spanishmovilapp.diario.blogger.com
your video will appear in the Dlary module in this Mobile application.

 Example: Spanish
Tengo aquí las llaves de mi casa que sirven para abrir y cerrar la puerta. Tengo una cartera donde guardo el dinero, las identificaciones y las tarjetas de crédito. También tengo aquí mi bicicleta que sirve para movilizarme en la ciudad.
Example: English
I have the keys to my house here which are used for opening and closing the door. I have a wallet where I keep my money, identification, and credit cards. I also have my bike here which is useful for getting around the city.

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